Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, April 1, 2023
A New Era Must Arise in Immense Love and Jubilation
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of March 30, 2023

My daughter, write to My beloved People!
Hear the voice of your God O My People, O distracted People, ... unfaithful to your Creator:
the sun will soon be devastating to this Humanity, the Earth will burn because of its immense heat. The seasons will close! The change has begun! Men are going to what I would have wanted to avoid them: excruciating pain. My children, it is your Father in Heaven who is calling you back to URGENT REVOCATION.
Behold, the old story must be closed! A new Era must arise in immense love and jubilation. God has planned His intervention in this time! Let this Humanity understand that He alone is the One, Only and True God!
Children of Jerusalem:
open your hearts to Me. Do not be foolish, the Truth is only in Me; do not disrespect Me lest you later find yourselves displaced. Behold, the cross in heaven is to appear! Be ready! Lighten yourselves from sins! The enlightenment of consciences will be for all men.
God warns this Humanity of His coming intervention.
Peace be with you!
God the Father.
Source: ➥